September newsletter

As we fast approach the end of summer, the nights are getting as long as the days, and very soon will overtake them in length. As we move into autumn I find myself wanting to cling on to the last warm days and get the most out of them while I still can. There’s still time to brave a dip in the sea before it gets too cold! At the same time I look forward to the colours of autumn, when the leaves start to turn beautiful shades of copper and gold.

Last month I was busy sprucing up my website and adding new content, while continuing to teach flow to restore on Friday afternoons. This month I am adding a new Friday morning class aimed at beginners, designed to demystify some of the words used in yoga classes and help you to understand alignment in the basic yoga poses so you can follow along with a group class with more confidence. Go to the classes page to find out more and book a space.

Pose of the month: Gomukhasana (Cow face pose)

Gomukhasana is an asymmetrical pose that opens the hips and shoulders

Gomukhasana a.k.a cow face pose both opens and closes the body at the same time. The femurs (thigh bones) are open in external rotation, while the legs are adducted (drawn together). The chest and shoulders are being opened and stretched by the arm position, while we fold forward at the hips, closing the body. Just like the month of September, this pose pulls us in different directions, clinging to the past, while looking forward to the future.

As with all asymmetrical poses, most of us will notice a difference between the sides. Mine is particularly pronounced in the lower arm, where my right shoulder blade is not as mobile as the left.

To make this pose more accessible use a blanket or a block between the knees and hold a strap between both hands. Ensure both sitting bones are in contact with the floor, and if they are not sit on a block or a rolled up blanket. Keep the feet flexed to protect the knees and avoid straining in your neck and shoulders.