
Susie Kelly

I began practicing yoga in 2007, as a way of getting a bit of exercise into my otherwise sedentary routine. My first practice was Ashtanga yoga, and I quickly fell in love with the feeling of power I experienced as I noticed my strength and stamina increasing each week, enabling me to hold poses for longer and achieve more challenging results.

Over the years my own practice evolved and I moved away from the powerful Ashtanga style towards a more flowing breath-centred Vinyasa style. Although still challenging, this style encouraged me to move more fluidly, focusing on the transitions between poses as much as on the poses themselves. This practice helped me to be more at ease in my body and to move with more grace both on and off the mat.

I completed my 200 hour teacher training in 2020 at Yogatique Bangkok, with the wonderful Minh Lowe, who I credit with really igniting my passion for yoga. This marked an enormous deepening of my practice to encompass the philosophical and lifestyle components of yoga, which has had a dramatic impact on my mental and physical wellbeing.

I believe that taking the time to connect with your body and breath is essential for living a healthy, balanced life. It is through our connection with the body that we find a deeper connection to the world around us.